About the Orchestras

Bowie offers four Orchestra classes - Symphony, Philharmonic, Sinfonietta, and Camerata. Students must have at least one year of instruction at the Middle School level in violin, viola, cello or double bass. Every orchestra is ability based; there is a place for EVERYONE who wants to be a part of the Bowie Orchestra Program.


This class is made up primarily of sophomores and juniors who choose not to take the audition. This class looks to help students continue to improve on their fundamental technique.


About 75% of incoming 9th graders who take the audition begin their Bowie Orchestra career in the Sinfonietta Orchestra. Students in this orchestra know 3rd position and vibrato. This group also includes 10th-12th graders. The Sinfonietta Orchestra plays at what is considered to be a 5A Varsity Orchestra Level.


This ensemble is advanced. Students who enter this Orchestra are already playing in 3rd position and above. Violas should be able to read treble clef and cellos should be able to play in tenor clef. This Orchestra performs at a 6A Varisty Level. Students are mostly in the 10th-12th grades. There is a mandatory after school rehearsal every Wednesday from 4:30-6:00 for the Philharmonic Orchestra.

Entry to this orchestra is by audition only.


This is the most advanced orchestra at Bowie High School. It is composed mostly of 11th and 12th grade students. In an average year there are five or fewer 9th graders in this group. Students in this group are playing in 3rd-7th positions, violas are able to sight-read in treble clef, and cellos are able to sight-read in tenor clef and play in treble clef. This orchestra regularly plays professional level repertoire. There is a mandatory after school rehearsal every Tuesday from 4:30-6:00 for the Symphony Orchestra.

Entry to this orchestra is by audition only.